LWKK®APF active filter
With theconstant sophistication and energy-saving of equipments used in a variety ofapplications, the electrical equipment has more serious pollution on the powersystem with more complex types of pollution. For harmonics as example, thecontent is higher with more times. Those are problems that can no be bettersolved by passive LC combination. LWKK®APF will release anothergroup of harmonics with equal size at opposite direction within the range of 2to 50 times to offset while detecting the harmonic content and the specificfrequency distribution of the system, providing more effective and wide-rangecontrol. Harmonic sources are generally inverter, UPS, switching power supply,rectifier, SCR dimming and office equipments; in the typical harmonic pollutionindustries such as medical, civil aviation, chemical, metallurgy,communications, finance, port dock, mall building, papermaking,mining, and so on, if harmonics generated in the use of equipment will beaccumulated and expanded to the surrounding equipments and even cause theadverse effects to the system if not timely and effectively controlled.

型号说明:Model description
LWKK:德莱维诺®无功补偿系列产品Delevision® reactive power compensation series products
06:APF有源滤波器(柜)APF activefilter (Cabinet)
3F: Suitablefor three-phase three-wire system, with 4Ffor three-phase four-wire system; it can better eliminate the harmonic currentfrom the neutral line, and is used in the application with three-phase load orsingle-phase load of the neutral line.
100:输出的补偿电流A Output compensated current A
400:电压等级(V) Voltage rating (V)
建议选用有源滤波器的场合Suggestionof APF occasions
1、 功率因数高,调谐式滤波器无法自动投入或投入后出现过补,如变频器负载
High powerfactor,the tuned filter over compensation,reactive power compensation automaticswitching device could not be worked.For example,the inverter.
2、 背景谐波大,调谐式滤波器有谐振或过载危险
Backgroundharmonic large ,tuned fulter has the resonance or overload danger.
3、 中性线存在大量3K±1次谐波
Neutral lineexists many 3K±1harmonicssituation.
4、 谐波严重,对滤波效果要求高,传统谐波消除方法无法满足的使用现场
When harmonicsare serious,traditional methods of harmonic elimination is impossinble to meetthe working condition.
5、 有三相不平衡分相补偿,使用晶闸管投切速度无法满足要求
Rapid phasecompensation,thyristor switching speed can`t be met with the requirement.
以上工况时,建议使用有源滤波器 。Suggestion of APF sccasinos

额定电压的选择:Ratedvoltage choice
System voltage,400±10%V,it can automatic operate compatibility function if the voltageis lower this class,other classes should be specified.
电流互感器的选择:Currenttransformer choice
Three current transformers(□/5A)Accuracy class:>0.5class
CT原边电流的计算:CT primary side current calculation:
Centralizedcompensation:≥the ratedcurrent of transformer
On-spotcompensation:≥rated currentof load
Choosing the wiring system is up to whether to filter the neutralharmonic or not.
滤波器额定补偿电流Rated compensation current
1、 改造项目:现场实际测量的工况下的谐波电流值。
2、 新建项目:根据现场谐波源的THDi(电流谐波畸变率)来估算。
Principle:According to the harmonic current and the capacity of harmonic current which is required by client.
1、 Post-reconstruction project:The harmonic current value in operating condition of actual measurement on the spot.
2、 New project:According to the THDi of on-site harmonic source toestimate.