LWKK® Reactive Power Compensation LowVoltage Filter Reactor
With the rapiddevelopment and progress of electrical appliances, various power electronicdevices are increasingly used in the power system, industry, transportation andhome applications, and the existence of harmonics and the impact on the powersystem become more common and serious. The power capacity in the reactivecompensation product has been gradually not suitable for use in variousoccasions separately, because the parallel resonance generated betweenimpedances of capacitor and power supply system will cause a seriousamplification in harmonic current. With the filter reactor used and with the appropriatereactance rate selected, the combination of capacitor and reactor will absorbup to about 30% to 50% fixed number of harmonic current. This prevents parallelresonance and harmonic current from flowing into the capacity to prevent theamplification of harmonic current, playing a role in purification for theentire power system.
LWKK®filter reactors adopt H-class copper wire, providing high linearity, withstandvoltage under high overload, and low loss. High-quality resin insulationmaterial is vacuum impregnated, to ensure the reliable withstand voltage andexcellent insulation performance, low noise and long life. The professionaldesign of number of position of air gaps provides the relatively low coil loss and solid overall structure, to minimize the noise generated in the operation. Withover-temperature protection design, the power is off at 135℃and on at 90℃, providinga reliable automatic exit function when the internal temperature of the reactorexceeds the design temperature.
技术参数Technical parameters
Rated voltage:230V ~ 690V
Ratedfrequency: 50 / 60Hz
Voltagewithstand test: 50Hz, 3KV, 60S
Linearity: 1.8~ 2.5In
Inductanceerror: 0 / + 5%
Impedance factor:5% to 14%
Insulationclass: H grade
Structure:single phase, three-phase, iron core dry, multiple air gaps
Coil material:copper
Temperaturecontrol action design: 135 ℃,normally closed, generally 250VCA, 5A
Outlet way:copper terminal
防护级别:IP00 屋内
Protectionlevel: IP00 indoor
Workingenvironment temperature: -25 ~ +50 ℃
Altitude ≤ 2000m
Manufacturingstandards: EN60076-6, EN61558-2-20
Installation: forinstallation in the cabinet, the horizontal spacing between the reactors is >30mm
储存条件: 干燥、阴凉、通风条件好,防止潮湿、腐蚀性化学品及粉尘等污染。储存温度应在-40℃~+75℃,并应确保储存条件持续稳定,定期检查。
Storage conditions: dry, cool, good ventilation conditions, toprevent moisture, corrosive chemicals and dust pollution. Storage temperatureshould be -40 ℃ ~ +75 ℃,and storage conditions shall be always stable and checked regularly.
使用维护: 每月检查电抗器接线端子连接牢固度及产品工作温度,每年检查使用现场的清洁状况。
Useand maintenance: check the reactorconnection terminal for firm connection and product operating temperaturemonthly; check the surrounding cleanliness at the site yearly.
型号说明:Model description
LWKK:德莱维诺®无功补偿系列产品DELAVEENO® reactive power compensation series product
02:无功补偿低压滤波电抗器Reactive power compensation low voltage filterreactor
3:三相,1为单相Three phase, 1: singlephase
30:配30Kvar的电容器With30Kvar capacitor
480:480V额定电压480V ratedvoltage
7%:7%电抗率,另有5.67%、14%备选 7% reactance rate, with 5.67% and 14% ratesprovided

型号参数表Model and parameters table